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Audioscopes for Gemini Season 2021: World Shifting

Ever wonder how the zodiac relates to your sound? Read our Audioscopes for Gemini Season to find out what the universe has to say about you this month.

May 29, 2021
Written by
Celia Sagastume
Illustrations by
Paterson Hodgson

Eclipses are times of great change, and your best bet is to set an intention before they begin and then let their magic do the rest. We are stepping into the post- everything world that is already opening up before us, and this is the time when opportunities set to manifest will unfold. Stay flexible, listen to what comes up with the curiosity of a Gemini, and invite reconnection.

Header Gemini

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

gemini season aries web

I welcome the changes in atmosphere and direction, trusting that the path ahead is being forged by what lies beyond my sight. 

This one’s going to go by quick, so if you have some money moves to make or truths to get off your chest I suggest you do it at the beginning of the season, before the Lunar Eclipse on May 26th. Eclipse season does not make a good time for forging ahead on well-made plans, simply because the only thing you can count on is that your plans will change. And that will happen this month, a lot, as we’re basically sandwiched between two superpowered ecliptic events. Both eclipses land on the part of the chart that has to do with travel and expansion of your consciousness, so you can count on seeing the world from an entirely different—and much more open—perspective at the close.

Audio Challenge: If it’s within your means, set aside money to put toward a trip or a new-to-you piece gear that will expand your musical consciousness. If money is tight, assess the resources currently available to you and try to look at them in a new light.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

2 taurus

I’m ready to welcome the wealth of friendship and cherished loved ones back into my world, building the support I need for my future endeavors. 

You have many more allies and friends ready to support your ambitions, dear Taurus, and you’ll find out this month just how far your goodwill and generosity can take you on this journey. This Gemini season is taken over by eclipses, which land in the second house of resources and eighth house of reciprocity for your lucky Taurean chart. Do not let the despair of last year color your ambitions for this one: we are about to embark on a completely different journey together, surrounded by friends and loved ones who have missed your assurance and supportive smile. Pay attention to who comes back into your life on the Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and build on that connection with the Solar Eclipse on June 10th. Reconnect. It’s time, and it will pay off. 

Audio Challenge: Reconnect with what brings you the most joy in your musical practice, and remember to ask for support when it’s needed while also offering it up to those you feel most aligned with. 

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

3 gemini

My friends and loved ones are a vital asset to my own re-emergence from this field: I welcome reconnection and honor its importance. 

Wow, you really know how to throw a party. This Gemini season throws open the doors in joyous reconnection, and your celebrations will herald the way towards our new path forward. You have a window of time in which to set your best intentions for reconnecting with loved ones and inviting a new beau (if you’re into that sort of thing) at the start of this season, from May 20th through the 26th, right before the clock strikes eclipse season. After that, you’ll be met with an influx of communications, plans, and connections that will make even the steadiest Gemini’s head spin. Once the dust clears and the ground settles you won’t even remember what it was like to not see your friends or loved ones while out frolicking amongst the trees and flower fields (until winter season, of course.)

Audio Challenge: Organize a small outdoor jam session with your most beloved and trusted musical companions, complete with your flashy style and maybe even some snacks.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

4 cancer

This life is worth more than the endless responsibilities I carry on my back, or the long lists of expectations I feel obligated to fulfill. I welcome shifts that free me from this wheel. 

What’s the point of it all if, despite all your hard work and dedication to your craft, you’re stuck indoors with an endless list of tasks while everyone else gets to frolic in the sun? Watch this eclipse season for cataclysmic insights into your own state of (mis)fortune, where your work is re-aligned with the purpose you’re here to serve. So many of us have had to make sacrifices for stability during the pandemic, and none more so than you my dear Cancer. But now the tides are turning, and the eclipses are churning all that focus and frustration into sudden shifts in energy and output: let come what may. You deserve a break, maybe a month-long vacation from holding this tension, and you’ll get it—one way, or another. 

Audio Challenge: Make time for yourself to rest, dear Cancer. Sit in nature and meditate on your favorite songs, take a trip if you can, fill up the bath and dream your dreams. 

 LEO (July 23 – August 22)

5 leo

I prepare for reconnection by making sure I take care of my needs.

Yes, it’s finally time to shed that pandemic fear and allow your majesty full reign in the social spaces that open up before you. Eclipse season is upon us, and with it a complete shift in energy around the globe. You’ll be reconnected with friends and loved ones now, and given ample opportunity to express your creativity and flow in collaborative projects with folks who have missed your insight and energetic growth. You have the very beginning of this season, before the Lunar Eclipse in your social house on May 26th hits, to get your looks in order. It’s time to spring for the haircut, order some new clothes, and prep for the influx of social plans that are undoubtedly coming your way.

Audio Challenge: Change your strings, clean your guitar, get a setup—make sure your instrument is looking just as good as you do, Leo.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

6 virgo

This is the time to celebrate all that I have accomplished. I honor my hard work and commitment by sharing my joy.

We are all so proud of you and the moves you’ve made this year to reach this peak of accomplishment and fulfillment. This eclipse season brings an end to what has been a long journey through the pandemic and beyond, finding your true expression in this world and following your insight. The next steps on this journey are far flung and not currently within your reach: this is the moment to be here, now, enjoying the fruits of this journey with loved ones and friends. Take the time to set your house in order, but remember that all plans are subject to change. You don’t want your support system to be so solid that it cannot flex when new winds blow, carrying you onward and upward. Look to the Solar Eclipse on June 10th for a hint of what dreams may come, but let yourself enjoy what you’ve accomplished thus far.

Audio Challenge: Let yourself rest and recharge this month. Reorganize the space in which you play music to reflect your dreams, and spend time with those who celebrate your accomplishments.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

7 libra

I notice the destinations I have set before me and prepare myself for the journey ahead. 

What far flung regions of the globe will call on you to visit the people you call home? What classes will you take in order to prepare for the changes in your work that you’re plotting? There’s no use denying it: the eclipses of Gemini season hit the house of travel and expansion for you this year, and coupled with the changing energy and attitudes it’s highly likely that you’ll be traveling with your mind or your heart. There’s time right at the start of this astrological season to make some precautionary plans and ensure your house is in order before you’re swept away by the Gemini winds—take it. There will be a lot of movement this month, be it internal or external, but if you can identify what you need to take for the ride you’ll feel safe and secure no matter where this journey takes you.

Audio Challenge: Take an online class or use YouTube to learn a musical technique that will expand your creativity and output this month.  

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

8 scorp

I held on tightly, and now I let go lightly, allowing what must be transformed to blossom in new light. 

It’s time to let it go. You’ve worked really hard to try and find a balance between your own personal desires and those of the person/place/relationship/job that don’t truly feel aligned with the direction you’ve been yearning to go. There comes a time when the line must be drawn and the decision must be made to carry on, knowing you’ve put the most of yourself into trying to make it work. As the new world blossoms before us, the eclipses ignite the houses of transformation and stability, respectably, urging you to shed the layer of what worked before in order to welcome what can work now. Just allow the transits to do their work, and let it ride. 

Audio Challenge: Take note of what no longer feels aligned to your musical practice and adjust accordingly to welcome what you need moving forward.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

9 sag

All the world’s a stage, and all of us actors upon it. My role to play is mine and mine alone, so I’ll take it. 

The secret to dispelling self-doubt is to stop worrying so much about what other people think and start focusing on what you need in order to feel content with your choices. This eclipse season is sure to test your commitment to yourself, especially as many in your life seemingly have something to say about how you should live it. You have some time to take in the feedback and integrate what’s worthy, before the eclipse season that starts on May 26th. After this date, you’d be better served centering what makes your heart sing in this moment and trusting it. You’ll get a clear message by the season’s end—all you have to do is listen.

Audio Challenge:

Write a list of constructive feedback received from others and/or yourself regarding your music. Circle what rings true, and leave behind the rest. 

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

10 cap

I embrace the changes in my daily routine as I need time to rest and reorient practice. 

Does change light up your mind and inspire movement, despite not knowing the destination? Are you driven by that larger vision that heralds a clarion call through every action, aligning your practice with movement of the spheres? The decisions you may make during eclipse season will come easy as long as you know which part of your energetic body to center in at every crossroads. What hangs in the balance is the longevity of the tasks you have taken on, and your ability to accomplish them. Tread lightly. All climbs are achieved not solely by the determination of your mind but also by the health of your body to meet it. This fine balance is only achieved through readjustment.

Audio Challenge: Incorporate self-care practices for your body and mind before and after you play music. This might include stretching, meditation, breathwork, and/or vocal warm-ups.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

11 aqua

I recognize the power of revolution in this moment and record its song. 

Inspiration can come from the unlikeliest places: the end of an era and time of great uncertainty becomes a playground in which to explore how you want to express the growth of promise all around you. Others may be swept up in the winds of change and the power of the eclipses, but it is for you to record and remember what it felt like to throw open the doors and feel hope rush in once more. Take time to write notes for a new song that comes wafting through the window before you rush out the door—what inspires you now is just the beginning of a new movement blossoming within you.

Audio Challenge: Tune into moments of musical inspiration, both big and small, and be sure to have something available to jot them down while on the go (notebook, voice memo, recorder, etc.).

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

12 pisces

I am ready for a change in my vocation, and I invite the opportunity that the eclipse season brings. 

Yes, take that bold step forward in a new direction, but make your move before the Lunar Eclipse on May 26th when the windows close and take us through the transformative time between what was before and what is to come. Eclipses are not the best time to try and manifest new energy, as they very easily sweep you with their clarion call. Better to have already mapped out which direction you’d like to go, and then let go and watch the universe unfold. By the time the year is up, your practice will have changed completely, as the you entering the 2020’s has already been forever changed by the seed year that initiated this era. Embrace it, and notice what opportunity unfolds for you this Gemini season.

Audio Challenge: Write out what you’d like to manifest in your musical practice and pursuits before May 26th. Hang it somewhere you’ll be sure to see it and read it daily.

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