Dedicated to Women Guitarists and Bassists
Featured Img Leo

Audioscopes for Leo Season 2021

Ever wonder how the zodiac relates to your sound? Read our Audioscopes for Leo Season to find out what the universe has to say about you this month.

July 29, 2021
Written by
Celia Sagastume
Illustrations by
Paterson Hodgson

Leo season is about magnetism, connection, and the individual expression of selfhood that empowers your bold heart. Seek out what brings you joy. There may be a lot of voices and opinions about how to spend this time, but in the end there’s only you: your voice, your opinion, and your heart’s content.

Header Dates

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

1 aries

I cultivate a chosen family who I trust to guide my process. 

The last year has been too difficult to choose anything but the small happinesses you’re able to secure. Celebrate reconnection with loved ones on the Full Moon on July 23rd, and use that energy to set plans in motion at the New Moon on August 8th. What about those connections support your full expression? Be intentional with your love. Cultivate a strong circle of people you trust to guide your process—then let that full self flourish into what’s to come.

Audio Challenge: Take stock of your gear. What’s no longer serving your sound? What’s slowing you down? What needs to be updated in order to further your process? Reach out to a trusted gear head for suggestions.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

2 taurus

I notice the opportunities that present themselves and act on them wisely.

You’ve been cultivating the seeds of projects that are now ready to manifest. This is the time to bring them to fruition, to release a new song, to work on your social media game, and to generally take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves during this auspicious time. You can count on the connections and contracts you create to hold firm, especially after August 19th when Uranus goes retrograde. No more surprises here—just personal growth. Own it.

Audio Challenge: Post a new song, announce your new musical endeavor, create visual art to accompany whatever it is you have to share with the world this month. 

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

3 gem

I have the power and agency to create change in my life in order to invite new energy. 

The time has come to invite open horizons that expand your vision. It’s ok to feel frustrated by the continuing confinement and repetition, and it may be time to do something about it. The Full Moon on July 23rd will inspire you to travel—if not geographically, then mentally at the very least. It’s time to make plans for the future, and the best time to do that will be the New Moon on August 8th. Open the release valve and let some of that frustration go. You have the capacity to invite change now. 

Audio Challenge: Feeling stuck in your musical routine? We dare you to explore genres you’ve never attempted before.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

4 cancer

There is nothing more important than my own belief in my power. 

You’re the arbiter of your own power, and the ultimate decider of your fate. The Full Moon on July 23rd will bring forward something that is ready to be released during this period; a belief or narrative about your self-worth is ready to be let go. You don’t need to hold yourself back anymore, and with the New Moon on August 8th you can make a commitment to yourself only: be true. 

Audio Challenge: What outdated belief or narrative about your music needs to be released? Rewrite it through song.

 LEO (July 23 – August 22)

5 leo

I pay special attention to the connections in my life that shape my energetic expression, carefully choosing who I want to become by choosing who I connect with. 

You give a lot of power to those who you bring into your chosen circle. The Full Moons on July 23rd and August 22nd, which open and close your season, both center your personal and professional partnerships. If there is an adjustment to be made in your relationships in order to cultivate more freedom of expression, now is the time to do it. 

Audio Challenge: Is there a relationship in your life that is inhibiting your musical voice? Use this month to center those who encourage and celebrate your expression. 

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

6 virgo

In order to express my energy with intention, I must develop clarity of purpose. 

You were not brought here to serve the purposes of others. The Full Moon on July 23rd will highlight any challenges that need to be addressed in your daily routine and the impact on your health. This will be the time to take in information so you can make some course corrections come the New Moon on August 8th. The key will be to reorient your practice so it is better aligned with your purpose. Take some time to reach clarity on this issue, so you can direct your energy with intention moving forward. 

Audio Challenge: Focus on your musical purpose. Spend time alone, use guided meditation, reflect on your routine, and listen to your inner light.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

7 libra

I break free of self-imposed restrictions in order to ground my power.

You cannot continue to make compromises with your own vision in order to please others. The Full Moon on June 23rd will bring forward new visions of creative projects that you can dedicate your energy to, but only if you make the conscious decision to choose your own path above those ascribed by others. It’s time to choose whose voice you’ll listen to: your own, or those of people you think you need approval from.

Audio Challenge: Isolate your own voice from the static noise that surrounds you. Separate yourself from the expectations of industry and peers—give full attention to your own vision.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

8 scorp

I am not required to repeat the patterns and behaviors of my past. 

The same agency you can exercise in defining your chosen family grants you the ability to choose what expectations you respond to and what you will leave behind. The Full Moon on July 23rd may bring an unconscious expectation to the surface, which a family member may expect you to fulfill. You will have until the New Moon on August 8th to decide how you will respond. Choose to show up with the same powerful commitment that you expect from others, or not at all.

Audio Challenge: Reflect on the musical expectations others attribute to you and determine if they are reasonable—or rather, if you are willing and able to commit to them. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

9 sag

I trust my heart to lead me, and my mind to make changes as needed.

The best laid plans need to account for change. The inevitable re-hashing of your vision for the future is not a reflection of your lack of clarity, but rather an accurate response to the changing landscape of our time. Pay attention to the information presented by the Full Moon on July 23rd and make the necessary changes in order to account for the shift by the New Moon on August 8th. This is a time of expansion, not retraction—trust your heart to lead you, and trust your mind to make changes accordingly. 

Audio Challenge: In what ways has your musical vision shifted compared to this time last year? Are there more changes to be made? Are you still holding your most true vision at the center?

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

10 cap

My value is not defined by the outcome of my endeavors, but by the strength of my commitment to myself in the process.

Exaltation and loss come hand in hand to remind you that the peaks and valleys of your life are expressions held in universal balance. Take note of the memories you gravitate towards on the Full Moon of July 23rd—these are moments of challenge to your self-worth that are ready to be released. The New Moon on August 8th will give you the opportunity to redefine how you measure your success—not only by the achievements you’re able to grasp, but by the courage with which you face the past.

Audio Challenge: What detrimental visions of success are you still holding onto? Redefine what success means to you—be sure it aligns with your self-worth, and move forward with courage.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

11 aqua

I can only give as much of my energy as I am able to replenish on my own. 

The Full Moon lands in Aquarius twice this month, and with it the desire to focus on your own projects and energy over what others expect of you in return. But even as the focal point turns to you and your power, the New Moon on August 8th will ask you to renew your commitments to those relationships that give you the strength to move forward. Take the powerful emotional drives of this month with the recognition that they are a reflection of the balance in reciprocity between you and those you love.

Audio Challenge: Take a look at your monthly calendar and notice if there’s an imbalance between time spent on your own projects and time spent on others. Try your best to create harmony between the two.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

12 pisces

I have the agency to act from my source of power once I choose to listen to it without fear or doubt. 

The power of your intuition is only fully uncovered once you learn the difference between fear and insight. With two Full Moons landing in your 12th house of the subconscious this month, be wary of the many voices of fear that may inhabit your dreams and wandering reveries. Dedicate this time to clearing out doubt instead. The New Moon on August 8th asks you to commit to a new energetic practice: make this month about clearing out house. 

Audio Challenge: Keep a running list of fears as they arise. Write them in a notebook or on your phone’s memo app. For each one, write out a courageous counterpart. 

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